Thanks to there being no major changes announced to pensions in the October 2018 Budget you can continue to pay...
Author: Oakwood Mortgage Services
Women are getting richer than men
According to research women now control 30% of the world’s wealth, up from 25% held five years ago. Women are...
Do you have a repayment plan for your mortgage in place?
Thousands of people with interest-only mortgages expiring this year do not have a repayment plan – putting their homes at...
Deadline to Breadline
For its latest ‘Deadline to Breadline’ report, Legal and General surveyed 2,000 full and part-time workers to assess how long...
Why active investing is more effective in volatile markets
A glance at the performance of the major stock indices in 2018 shows that volatility was a common theme. US...
Home improvement
Whether you’re renovating your home because it’s too expensive to move or you’ve only just bought the place and you’re...
Confused about pension planning?
With more UK employees saving for their retirement than ever you could argue that Automatic Enrolment has been a success...
Become a Superhero in the eyes of our family
When he was younger one of my son’s favourite questions was; “if you could have any super power, what would...
Standard Variable Rate
The average homeowner moving from a specific mortgage deal onto their mortgage provider’s Standard Variable Rate (SVR) could save more...
What’s stopping you from saving?
Generally speaking, and subject to investment charges and performance, the more you save and the earlier you start saving the...