First Time Buyer Mortgages

We could write a book about first time buyer process, pitfalls, tips and tricks and if you are looking for a truckful of info please get in touch. For the super condensed but still super version please see below!

1st gear…

Accommodation requirements and room to grow. Add absolute non-negotiables which may be off street parking/shower/garden or any number of others. You may find your list expands or contracts!


Transport links/commuting

Target price

Into 2nd…

Get in touch to get an indication of maximum mortgage availability and associated buying costs. We recommend you take this step before viewing properties because the result of this may change some of your thinking in step 1!

We research for you to get the right lender, the right products and handle the application and paperwork for you when you find your property. We may suggest we carry out an agreement in principle which we do not charge for and is an excellent indication of your available mortgage amount.  Simples!

Accelerate to 3rd…

Find your property with help from an estate agent or online. Be prepared to view many properties or you may be lucky and find your dream place immediately!

And 4th…

When you have found the right place and agreed the right price let’s talk again!

Find a reputable and ideally recommended solicitor or licensed conveyancer to conduct the legal work for you (we can recommend several if you do not have one).

We will identify the mortgage product and provider available at the time that is right for your needs… and budget and apply for the mortgage for you.

Paperwork? We will handle that along with the lender valuation.

The result: A formal offer of a mortgage will be issued to you quickly and with minimal fuss.


You have your mortgage offer and your legal team are happy that the property is suitable you sign your contract and contracts are “exchanged” with a your moving  (completion) date agreed at that time. Plan your packing…

Top gear…

Up early, final packing and load up. You should get a call during the day from the agent or solicitor that completion has taken place and you can pick up the keys. Enjoy your day!

Unless you are super chilled(like ice cold)most will find some (or all) of this process quite stressful.

At Oakwood we ease the trauma, navigate you along the way, answer all your questions (like Siri but in HUMAN form) and generally be your partner in the process from start to finish.

Get in touch for a fee-free and confidential initial chat about how we can make your journey to your first property smooth and stress free and to answer any other questions that you may have.

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