Losing your partner at any stage in life can be devastating but it may be particularly devastating when children are involved because of the financial pressures of raising a family. Ensuring your children and other dependants are provided for in case you die should be a top priority but less than a third of people in the UK have life insurance.
Keep it simple
Many products are available but a simple level-term policy, where a pre-decided lump sum is paid out should you die within a stated period, is among the simplest to arrange and is typically not very expensive. As a rule of thumb, life cover should provide ten times the main breadwinner’s income. The amount should cover any outstanding debts, including mortgage, regular outgoings, potential university fees and so on. The term should reflect the needs of your dependants; Children will probably need support until they leave education and a partner may need it until pensionable age.
Joint or single cover?
A joint policy will cover you and your partner, paying out on the first death within the term. Alternatively, you can have separate single-life policies; a little more expensive but potentially two payments. A young, fit individual should find life cover affordable. Be open about your lifestyle, especially if you have existing medical issues. Premiums rise with age, lifestyle factors, such as smoking and other factors that affect your life expectancy.
Keep under regular review
Reviewing your protection needs helps make sure you have the right cover in place for your financial circumstances, giving you the peace of mind that you’ve got things covered.
As with all insurance policies, conditions and exclusions will apply.